Today I went for a grocery shopping with dad and it turned into a real good father-daughter bonding time. Somehow, spending more than two hours next to my father, talking and laughing literally remind me of how distant I’ve been from him.Yes, I see him everyday and talk to him everyday but today is different. I feel like I’ve known a little bit more about him more than I used to. Like how he used to fail his driving test because he was overconfident after passing his on-the-road test. hahahaahha Well, a reminder to myself to not over confident next time when I’m taking my driver license. Here’s to more of days like today because I feel like all of us focus so much on our mother than our father that we slowly forget that our father plays a big role in our lives too.

Today also reminds me of how I really am going somewhere far from my parents for A YEAR !??!? For someone who spends most of her time at home, never been to a boarding school and only has been to a 3 days and 2 nights camp, this is hard okay. I have to be honest, I cried on the first day at the campsite. I remember it was dark but not too dark. It was around 6 to 7 pm and I can almost see the sky slowly turns to dark queer pink before it becomes completely black. I look up, ignoring whatever the captain is saying and slowly I can feel myself crying not loudly but quietly. Thinking and wondering what exactly is my family doing. Sleeping? Eating? Are they wondering what am I eating for dinner? Are they wondering what am I doing? Or maybe whether I’m crying or not.

As our cart slowly filled with things that I might need there from buckets to mirror to slippers to hangers, I constantly asked myself am I ready for this? This used to be my dream to finally go out of my house and study somewhere far from my house. I guess, I really was ignorant and naive back then not knowing what it’s like to step even a foot away from my house without my parents for not only 5 hours but a year. After what seems like forever waiting for my dad to pick the ‘right’ mango, I told my inner self “dude, shit just got real”

Fun fact: Whenever I am shocked or surprised, I would accidentally blurt out a Malay curse word. It’s “Oh mak kau sakai !” , which then I would quickly apologize after saying it. I honestly felt bad whenever i accidently said this word directly on someone’s face, i hope they knew that i didn’t mean.

#iwillmisswatchingkdramawithmydad #becausethatsmyfavoritemomentwithhim #notfathersdayyet #butweshouldtreateverydaylikefathersdaytoo

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